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BodyTite In London

With over half a million procedures undertaken, you're in safe hands

We've all heard of 'Liposuction', but let the Harley Street Skin Clinic introduce you to BodyTite. BodyTite is the most advanced, permanent method of removing fat and tightening the skin simultaneously. This incredible, combi treatment uses radiofrequency to dramatically improve the silhouette in the least traumatic way possible: by melting down fat to a liquid form first. Why? To guarantee the easiest of extractions and smoothest possible finish.

Lesley Says

“Due to its precise nature, I find Bodytite to be a rather gentle procedure. The skin and tissue surrounding the treatment areas are left practically unscathed!”

Dr Khan Says

“Throughout my career, I’ve discovered that most fat removal procedures leave excess skin behind, resulting in additional treatment. Bodytite is ideal as it tightens the skin as well.”

BodyTite Before & Afters

The remarkable difference a Harley Street Skin Clinic treatment can provide

Excisional fat removal (i.e. the scalpel) might seem like the only solution to fixing those pesky wobbly bits once and for all, but thanks to incredible advances in cosmetic technique, you can now achieve fantastic results with absolutely none of the sacrifice. No painful incisions, no angry scarring, and no boring bedrest...

Bodytite After
Bodytite Before

Sometimes diet and exercise just will not shift those particularly stubborn areas of fat that leave us feeling self-conscious - and even if they do, sometimes that residual loose skin can still be an issue. That's where we can help. The Harley Street Skin Clinic has a direct route to highest quality re-contouring on the market.

Bodytite After
Bodytite Before

BodyTite is the perfect option for those looking to trim away some unwanted fat as well as tone the area as they go. Not only that, but BodyTite's fat removal process is so non-traumatic to the body that you can forget about all of the post-procedure pain usually associated with lipo. How? Good question...

Bodytite After
Bodytite Before

BodyTite uses a process of aspiration, melting down the fat into liquid form before removing it in the most swift way possible. Using heat, BodyTite will also eradicate all of those pockets of fat that are leading to unsightly lumps and bumps - even working miracles on the lumpy aftermath of previous, less advanced liposuction.

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Celebrity Journeys

Follow two of our celebrity patients on their journey to becoming their better selves

Every step of your journey with Harley Street Skin is handled with the utmost care and diligence. From your very first consultation, right the way through to follow up and aftercare, Harley Street Skin will guide, advise and support you at every given opportunity. We want to make sure that your time with us is as special to you, as you are to us...

BodyTite FAQs

The answer to some of the most common questions you may have

It's only natural to have questions if you are considering pursuing a treatment for the first time, and at Harley Street Skin, it's important to us that you feel confident and comfortable at every stage of your journey. To help you find the answers you need, here are a few of the more common quibbles that we find our clients frequently ask...

BodyTite is also referred to as 'Laser Lipo' or 'RFAL' (radiofrequency-assisted liposuction). This is because it works by using radiofrequency energy to turn the fatty tissue to liquid form in order to extract it through a tiny incision (as opposed to removing it in its natural state, which requires the use of a significantly larger cannula.)

Firstly, all problem areas will first be drawn out by your doctor, before treating these parts topically with an anesthetic through a tiny incision.

Next, a fine cannula is threaded underneath the skin which serves as conduction tool for the BodyTite monitor. The monitor is passed over the skin, transmitting radio-frequency between the two devices which ensures fat is reached evenly and efficiently. This is what allows for such precise and smooth results. The topical heat also induces collagen production, helping to tighten and firm the skin concurrently.

BodyTite is ideal for many treatment areas with excess fat including: the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, knees and neck. It also works fantastically well on areas with visible cellulite as it will help to resurface the treatment area from within, and therefore alleviate any dimpling or lumpiness. Furthermore, the heat from the RF energy engages with the body's collagen reserve, boosting stimulation for longer lasting youthful skin.

All in all, BodyTite enables not only a reduction in the size of the area (the width of the thigh for example) but also the texture, tightness and quality of the skin.

BodyTite is permanent.

It should be noted, however, that BodyTite should not be regarded as a method of generalised weight management. Best results will only be maintained if you continue to sustain a healthy lifestyle of regular diet and exercise.

Up to three litres of fat can be removed in one session, and up to three areas of the body can be treated (depending on the size). This will generally take between 2 and 4 hours to complete, and will encompass any time required for pre-medication.

You will notice an initial improvement straight after treatment, with the best results visible after 3 to 6 months.

Side effects of BodyTite may include temporary skin discolouration, redness, swelling, minor bruising and sensitivity. These are all very short-lived and generally shouldn't exceed 5 days or so. Skin tone, however, can take a little longer to self-correct, and will likely even out over the course of 1-3 weeks.

It is also extremely common for patients to experience a slight weeping from the incision sites. After treatment, these tiny incisions will be stitched and covered over with a pad to retain any leakage, but it is perfectly normal following BodyTite and will look something or an orangey or pinky shade. It may sometimes appear to be slightly bloody which, also, is nothing to be alarmed by. This will generally subside within the first 24-48 hours.

With regards to recovery, it is sensible to allow yourself around 7 days. Having said this, many report feeling as fit as a fiddle from as early as days 3-5 (which is when some choose to return to work).

You will be required to wear a compression garment for the first two weeks - both day and night - and should only remove it when you shower, which you may do after 24 hours. Stitches from your small incision sites are removed after 10 days, at which time many begin to slowly and steadily reintroduce exercise. Please do note that it is important that your exercise incline is gradual to keep swelling minimised.

You will be able to return to more sedentary roles within 3-5 days of BodyTite, but should consider taking a little more time away from roles which function at a higher pace and/or require extensive physical activity. If you have any concerns about this (either pre or post surgery), our team of medical professionals will be more than happy to advise you based on personal circumstance.

About The Harley Street Skin Clinic

The award winning clinic dedicated to helping you be your best self

We understand that deciding to go forward with cosmetic treatment can feel like a huge decision. One that we certainly wouldn't expect you to go ahead with without hearing a little bit about us first. Here is exactly why people around the world are happy to put their trust into Harley Street Skin Clinic.

The Harley Street Skin Clinic
Quality & Safety is our Culture

Since 2004, Harley Street Skin has been on speed dial to some of the world's highest flyers thanks to the expertise of cosmetic tour de force, Dr. Aamer Khan and wife Lesley Reynolds.

With their flagship clinic based on the world’s most famous medical strip, Harley Street Skin quickly became a medical and cosmetic frontrunner, drumming up a pristine professional reputation and impressive roster of celebrity clientele. The clinic was in fact so thriving that it gained the attention of television network SkyOne, becoming the focus of hit documentary series Stitch Me, Lift Me, Tuck Me.

Offering an expansive range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments, Harley Street Skin are renowned worldwide for their cosmetic precision, expertise and minimally invasive techniques. From top of the line body sculpting treatments and cosmetic contouring to breast enhancement and discreet anti-ageing lifts, Harley Street experts offer the A-list experience from consultation through to aftercare.

But that's not all. Harley Street Skin are also pioneering skincare specialists, offering solutions to everything from anti-ageing and resurfacing, to colour correction and hydration.

Carefully formulating the perfect regime for even the most stubborn and unusual of skin complaints, Harley Street Skin boast an acclaimed skin care range frequently making an appearance in beauty mag must-haves, health and lifestyle columns, and celebrity handbags around the world.

With highly skilled practitioners, doctors and surgeons on hand at every turn, Harley Street Skin can help you attain the aesthetic you've been dreaming of - whatever your cosmetology needs.

Dr Aamer Khan & Lesley Khan