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خبراء العناية بالشعر

أطباء ممارسين حائزين على الجوائز وساعيين للجماليات الطبية المتقدمة

في هذه الأيام لا توجد هناك أية ضرورية في بقاء جالس ومعان من مشاكل الشعر. ما اذ كنت قلق ازاء تساقط الشعر موضعيا أو ضعف الشعر بالشكل العام أو حتى نمو الشعر الزائد، تكون عيادة شارع هارلي لطب أمراض البشرة بجانبك لمساعدتك بوسيلة علاجات من الدرجة الأولى المتعددة في جعبتها وخبرة منح ابتسامات لآلاف المرضى.

مع علاجات رواد الصناعة وفريق أطباء محترفين وخبرة في مجال العناية بالبشرة تتجاوز 20 سنة بحوزتنا بامكاننا القول أننا نجحنا في مساعدة آلاف الأشخاص على توديع قلقهم ازاء الشعر بالشكل النهائي.

Prp Hair

prp hair

For tip-top scalp stimulation and follicle rejuvenation, PRP offers a nutrient rich boost to the locks...

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The state of the art collagen-induction device. Innopen is designed for superb skin renewal in every sense of the word...

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IPL delves deep into the dermis to wipe out the problem at its source using light to administer topical heat to...

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Transdermal treatment brimming with healthy vitamins and enzymes for everything from muscle pain to cellulite...

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Minimally invasive Stem cell technology to boost hair growth, and minimise future hair loss in one lone session...

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Scalp Micropigmentation

scalp micropigmentation

Cosmetic camouflaging for anyone struggling with a mild, moderate or severe hair loss...

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Vitamin Drips

vitamin drips

An intravenous infusion of healthy antioxidants for glowingly beautiful skin with that extra touch of star power...

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Hair Transplant

hair transplant

We take grafts from areas of your scalp where hair is still growing to implant them into the balding or thinning spots...

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ى تشاهدون كما

Sky Tv
Channel 4
Huffington Post
Forces TV
* اليوم مجانية استشارة موعد احجزوا

احجزوا موعد مقابلتكم مع أي خبير ممارس غير طبي في عيادة شارع هارلي للعناية بالبشرة واستف يد وا من االستشارة مجانا. عليك م تسجيل اهتمامكم بالسه ولة حيث يبقى فريقنا على التواصل معكم!

كراستنا تنزيل

هل تريد أن تعرف أكثر؟
تعرفوا على المزيد من المعلومات ب فضل كاتالو ج يشمل جميع العالجات المنفذة في عيادة شارع هارلي لطب أمراض البشرة هارلي ستريت سكين من أجل تمكيننا من فهم احتياجاتكم بالشكل الكامل.

العروض تكاليف عن تصفح

هل تريد التعرف على قيمة التكاليف؟
قم بحساب خ طتك لتسديد المبالغ المالية المستحقة بطر يقة مالئمة بال نسبة لك اآلن وذلك بفضل استخد ام عد ادنا مالي جدير بالثقة.

Other Treatment Areas

From the tips of your toes to the top of your head we can help

Body - Face - Hair - Skin

Patient Stories

Everyday more of our patients share their success stories

Gaynor Evans - I was very happy with the results. The jowls were gone, my jawline was more defined, and over the period of the...

Gaynor Evans

I was very happy with the results. The jowls were gone, my jawline was more defined, and over the period of the...

Read Gaynor's Story

Alexis Venn - I found that Dr Khan himself had a very calming energy, so I felt totally at ease and confident throughout...

Cinderella Lift
Alexis Venn

I found that Dr Khan himself had a very calming energy, so I felt totally at ease and confident throughout...

Read Alexis's Story

Trudie Day - I would highly recommend the clinic, especially for those that are unsure of the exact route they want...

Silhouette Soft Threads
Trudie Day

I would highly recommend the clinic, especially for those that are unsure of the exact route they want...

Read Trudie's Story

Elaine Stoddart - I'm blissfully happy and astonished. I feel better than I have in decades. For that feeling, it was worth every penny...

Lower Face & Neck Lift
Elaine Stoddart

I'm blissfully happy and astonished. I feel better than I have in decades. For that feeling, it was worth every penny...

Read Elaine's Story

Celebrity Journeys

Everyday more celebrities share their journeys

Melinda Messenger - There are really imaginative options out there these days; I had no idea. Most of them don't even take an hour...

PDO Thread Lift
Melinda Messenger

There are really imaginative options out there these days; I had no idea. Most of them don't even take an hour...

Explore Melinda's Journey

Colin Jackson - Before I came to Harley Street, I had never found products that kept my skin fully hydrated throughout my day...

Colin Jackson

Before I came to Harley Street, I had never found products that kept my skin fully hydrated throughout my day...

Explore Colin's Journey

Nicola Roberts - I am thrilled; I left feeling so relaxed. I'm happy that my body has taken in some healing properties...

CBD Facial
Nicola Roberts

I am thrilled; I left feeling so relaxed. I'm happy that my body has taken in some healing properties...

Explore Nicola's Journey

Vanessa White - I suppose it's an ongoing thing with me. I think it's really important to take some time for yourself and I think...

Fractora Forma
Vanessa White

I suppose it's an ongoing thing with me. I think it's really important to take some time for yourself and I think...

Explore Vanessa's Journey