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Blepharoplasty In London

With over half a million procedures undertaken, you're in safe hands

Blepharoplasty is the delicate surgical removal of the skin around the eye area - 'blepharo' being the Greek for eyelid. It is an extremely common procedure borne of the complaint referred to as 'eye bags', 'puffy', 'saggy' or 'droopy' eyes. They can be performed on both upper and lower parts of the eye, and are popular with men and women alike for reasons functional and cosmetic.

Lesley Says

“What I really love about the Blepharoplasty procedure is the ongoing improvement of your eye area. The skin will keep improving up to one year after the treatment.”

Dr Khan Says

“Thanks to the expertise and finesse of our surgeons, temporary bruising and a little swelling are the only side-effects our patients typically experience with Blepharoplasties.”

Blepharoplasty Before & Afters

The remarkable difference a Harley Street Skin Clinic treatment can provide

Not only can hooding, puffiness and excess skin around the eyes be extremely ageing, but it can also impair your vision and leave your eyelids feeling both heavy and tired. Blepharoplasties strip away all of these concerns entirely, and leave you looking rested and youthful.

Blepharoplasty After
Blepharoplasty Before

Over the years, bulging, ruching and gathering of the skin around the eyes can leave us both looking and feeling tired. Aside from the aesthetic impact, the burden of heavy excess skin can even impair our field of vision, leaving us fighting back against those perpetually sleepy eyelids.

Blepharoplasty After
Blepharoplasty Before

Blepharoplasties can instantly give the illusion of a lifetime of beauty sleep, that sometimes the busy modern man or women just isn't afforded. Endeavouring to open up the eyes and create a radiant, rested aesthetic, blepharo procedures are an incredibly effective way of achieving a youthful glow.

Blepharoplasty After
Blepharoplasty Before

However, delicate surgical work around the eyes requires expert finesse and professional know-how. At Harley Street Skin, we have a wealth of experience stripping away the telltale signs of ageing, and restoring a youthful radiance to the face that guarantees fantastically discreet yet fruitful results.

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Celebrity Journeys

Follow two of our celebrity patients on their journey to becoming their better selves

Every step of your journey with Harley Street Skin is handled with the utmost care and diligence. From your very first consultation, right the way through to follow up and aftercare, Harley Street Skin will guide, advise and support you at every given opportunity. We want to make sure that your time with us is as special to you, as you are to us...

Blepharoplasty FAQs

The answer to some of the most common questions you may have

It's only natural to have questions if you are considering pursuing a treatment for the first time, and at Harley Street Skin, it's important to us that you feel confident and comfortable at every stage of your journey. To help you find the answers you need, here are a few of the more common quibbles that we find our clients frequently ask...

The objective of a blepharoplasty is to remove the gathered or ruched skin below or above the eye, opening up the eyes and leaving the skin more taut and smooth. HSS can perform either a standard or extended version of the blepharoplasty procedure, each requiring a small incision to be made in the natural crease of the eyelid.

During standard procedures, surgeons will expertly sculpt the cushions of fat around the eye and remove any and all excess skin from the problem area, positioning it accordingly with fine stitching. Extended procedures will also look at other necessary adjustments such as the hoisting of the brow, cheeks, or skin surrounding the eye socket. This operation is more extensive and therefore a little longer to undertake.

Blepharoplasty procedures are among the most effective in the anti-ageing arena. This is because skin ruching around the eyes has been a telltale sign of tiredness from the very beginning, affecting us even before ageing was a concern. When 'eye-bags' become a permanent feature of the face, instead of a temporary indication of a late night, a lifetime of beauty sleep will not turn back the hands of time.

Blepharoplasty treatments are a saving grace for perpetually tired eyes, and will not only lift the face dramatically but leave you looking both younger and more alert. A blepharoplasty may also help to restore optimal function to the eyelids, improving vision and alleviating any unnecessary weight being applied by excess skin. Fighting drowsy, heavy eyes will be a thing of the past.

Blepharoplasty procedures offer fantastic, results that guarantee a visible improvement permanently. Of course, aging and the effects of gravity may eventually lead to further ruching or hooding of the delicate skin around the eyes - this is inevitable - but a blepharoplasty will absolutely eradicate any sign of it in the meantime.

Procedures generally take between the regions of 1 to 2 hours, although can be longer if you have agreed upon a method which includes additional work such as brow lifting or fat transfer.

All blepharoplasty procedures may be performed using general, local or twilight anaesthesia (relaxing IV sedation) however, lower lid procedures most commonly call for general anaesthetic. The length of time needed to be set aside for a blepharoplasty will likely be affected by your chosen route of sedation.

Following a blepharoplasty, you will experience some tenderness, swelling and bruising which many continue to treat with analgesics for a few days. Over the next 2 weeks, swelling and tenderness will gradually subside, although - pending your skin's sensitivity - some bruising may linger. This is due to the delicate nature of the tissue surrounding the eye, and is often more common with lower blepharoplasty procedures.

Due to irritation, it is also common for eyes to feel slightly dry or to water to begin with, but that too will ease over the few weeks following surgery. Eyes may also feel a little hazy and your vision slightly blurred temporarily, but eye drops can be used to remedy this as the skin continues to heal. All of this can be lessened with lots of rest, elevation and by periodically applying a cold compress to the area.

Recovery time will vary based on whether you are having an upper or lower blepharoplasty as well as your body's natural rate of recovery, although generally speaking, recovery timelines for blepharoplasty procedures sit around the benchmark of 2 weeks. This can be prolonged if the surgical sites are aggravated, or overexerted before properly healed. This can be caused by activities which increase blood flow such as: strenuous exercise, excessive bending and lifting, overheating or applying pressure. You should refrain from overexertion in order to see the best possible results following surgery.

You may be able to return to work approximately 10 days after the surgery, but this is entirely down to personal choice. Some feel perfectly capable of returning to light duties before the 10 day benchmark, whereas others may still feel a little delicate and wish for a little more down time. Roles and responsibilities at work should also be factored in here, as those that involve rigorous activity, and subsequently increase blood flow, will prolong the healing process. By and large, most people will feel back to optimum health by 2 weeks post-procedure.

About The Harley Street Skin Clinic

The award winning clinic dedicated to helping you be your best self

We understand that deciding to go forward with cosmetic treatment can feel like a huge decision. One that we certainly wouldn't expect you to go ahead with without hearing a little bit about us first. Here is exactly why people around the world are happy to put their trust into Harley Street Skin Clinic.

The Harley Street Skin Clinic
Quality & Safety is our Culture

Since 2004, Harley Street Skin has been on speed dial to some of the world's highest flyers thanks to the expertise of cosmetic tour de force, Dr. Aamer Khan and wife Lesley Reynolds.

With their flagship clinic based on the world’s most famous medical strip, Harley Street Skin quickly became a medical and cosmetic frontrunner, drumming up a pristine professional reputation and impressive roster of celebrity clientele. The clinic was in fact so thriving that it gained the attention of television network SkyOne, becoming the focus of hit documentary series Stitch Me, Lift Me, Tuck Me.

Offering an expansive range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments, Harley Street Skin are renowned worldwide for their cosmetic precision, expertise and minimally invasive techniques. From top of the line body sculpting treatments and cosmetic contouring to breast enhancement and discreet anti-ageing lifts, Harley Street experts offer the A-list experience from consultation through to aftercare.

But that's not all. Harley Street Skin are also pioneering skincare specialists, offering solutions to everything from anti-ageing and resurfacing, to colour correction and hydration.

Carefully formulating the perfect regime for even the most stubborn and unusual of skin complaints, Harley Street Skin boast an acclaimed skin care range frequently making an appearance in beauty mag must-haves, health and lifestyle columns, and celebrity handbags around the world.

With highly skilled practitioners, doctors and surgeons on hand at every turn, Harley Street Skin can help you attain the aesthetic you've been dreaming of - whatever your cosmetology needs.

Dr Aamer Khan & Lesley Khan