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Brachioplasty In London

With over half a million procedures undertaken, you're in safe hands

'Dinner lady arms', 'Bingo wings', 'Tuckshop arm'... we've heard them all. Whatever you want to call those uncomfortable pouches gathering beneath your arms - Harley Street Skin have just the solution.

An 'Arm Lift', medically known as a Brachioplasty, is a procedure to surgically remove excess skin and fat from the underside of the upper arm. It is typically something performed on patients with loose, sagging skin on the upper arms - either after drastic weight loss or general ageing. Whatever the reason - with a Harley Street Arm Lift, we're certain that not only can your future look bright - but also sleeveless!

Lesley Says

“Although scarring is, unfortunately, unavoidable for this procedure - I've seen that many of our patients scars dramatically reduce in size and colour within a year.”

Dr Khan Says

“Many of our patients choose to combine Brachioplasty treatment with one of our forms of Liposuction to remove excess fat as well as excess skin.”

Brachioplasty Before & Afters

The remarkable difference a Harley Street Skin Clinic treatment can provide

In addition to general ageing, an excess of skin on the underside of the arms (or indeed the upper legs) can often be the result of an extreme bodily change such as pregnancy, illness or particularly rapid weight loss - such as with bariatric surgery. Arm Lifts were borne of this common complaint, helping reverse skin elasticity and rid any uncomfortable excess skin…

Brachioplasty After
Brachioplasty Before

Feeling self-conscious about your bare arms is not only restrictive, but also downright uncomfortable. Perhaps you feel the need to accompany that lovely new party dress with a frumpy bolero jacket or are enduring long-sleeved tops, even throughout the sweltering summer heat? You should just put in some more time in the gym, right?

Brachioplasty After
Brachioplasty Before

Actually, wrong. With age, fat naturally begins to accumulate around the underside of the arms. A dwindling supply of youthful proteins which keep the skin taut and extended sun exposure can mean that even those who have never struggled with their weight can find that wrinkling and sagging becomes a problem in this area.

Brachioplasty After
Brachioplasty Before

Unfortunately, all of the lifting creams, stimulating massages and weight-lifting classes in the world cannot undo serious damage to skin elasticity. But not to panic - that's where we come in. Brachioplasty is the go-to procedure for those that feel the more tame approaches to skincare are just no longer cutting the mustard.

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Celebrity Journeys

Follow two of our celebrity patients on their journey to becoming their better selves

Every step of your journey with Harley Street Skin is handled with the utmost care and diligence. From your very first consultation, right the way through to follow up and aftercare, Harley Street Skin will guide, advise and support you at every given opportunity. We want to make sure that your time with us is as special to you, as you are to us...

Brachioplasty FAQs

The answer to some of the most common questions you may have

It's only natural to have questions if you are considering pursuing a treatment for the first time, and at Harley Street Skin, it's important to us that you feel confident and comfortable at every stage of your journey. To help you find the answers you need, here are a few of the more common quibbles that we find our clients frequently ask...

Brachioplasties are performed under a general anaesthetic, and typically take around 2 hours to complete.

Firstly, an incision is made along the arm - from the armpit to the elbow. This enables surgeons to draw the loose skin of arms tighter, and cut away any surplus fat in the process. The remaining tissue is then restitched, giving the patient a far tighter, smoother inner arm.

Brachioplasties are perfect for removing skin that has become irksome, embarrassing and uncomfortable. All of that excess that so loosely hung from your arms previously is removed, leaving them far slimmer, more taut and more youthful.

Patients often find that one of the biggest benefits of Brachioplasty, however, is psychological. No more covering up, or sitting on the sidelines whilst others enjoy themselves; Brachioplasties can restore a feeling of freedom that has been snatched by years of insecurity.

Results of these surgical arm lifts are permanent.

Having said this, they unfortunately cannot prevent any further natural sagging. Your body will - of course - age, but best results can be maintained through a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise.

The procedure will take approximately 2 hours, and typically requires 1 overnight stay in the hospital. This ensures that we are able to make you as comfortable as possible during your initial stages of recovery.

Brachioplasty can often lead to some temporary inflammation, bruising, skin tension and discomfort (all of which will typically resolve itself within 2-3 weeks of treatment). The most significant side effect of Brachioplasty, however, is scarring. This, unfortunately, is always a consequence of procedures which involve with removing a substantial amount of skin (i.e. Abdominoplasties, Mastopexies, etc.)

Having said this, most people do find that the resulting scar is a very worthwhile exchange for the beautifully sculpted arms they are left with. These scars will fade dramatically with time, and can be lessened with the use of Silicone Gel tape - an inexpensive, adhesive covering designed to prevent hypertrophic scarring.

Following Brachioplasty, most patients will stay in hospital overnight and have small drains inserted to help remove any fluid from the wound. These drains will then be removed the following day while your dressings are changed, at which point you are free to return home for the remainder of your recovery.

You should designate a window of around 2 weeks to your Brachioplasty recovery, although you are advised to refrain from any heavy lifting for around 6-8 weeks. During the initial 2 weeks of recovery, patients will be required to wear a compression garment on the arms - day and night - in order to support the area as it heals.

This is typically dependent on the nature of your job, however many find that they are comfortable returning to work after 2 weeks of surgery. More physically demanding roles may require a slightly longer period of absence, but doctors will be happy to advise you regarding this before undergoing surgery.

About The Harley Street Skin Clinic

The award winning clinic dedicated to helping you be your best self

We understand that deciding to go forward with cosmetic treatment can feel like a huge decision. One that we certainly wouldn't expect you to go ahead with without hearing a little bit about us first. Here is exactly why people around the world are happy to put their trust into Harley Street Skin Clinic.

The Harley Street Skin Clinic
Quality & Safety is our Culture

Since 2004, Harley Street Skin has been on speed dial to some of the world's highest flyers thanks to the expertise of cosmetic tour de force, Dr. Aamer Khan and wife Lesley Reynolds.

With their flagship clinic based on the world’s most famous medical strip, Harley Street Skin quickly became a medical and cosmetic frontrunner, drumming up a pristine professional reputation and impressive roster of celebrity clientele. The clinic was in fact so thriving that it gained the attention of television network SkyOne, becoming the focus of hit documentary series Stitch Me, Lift Me, Tuck Me.

Offering an expansive range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments, Harley Street Skin are renowned worldwide for their cosmetic precision, expertise and minimally invasive techniques. From top of the line body sculpting treatments and cosmetic contouring to breast enhancement and discreet anti-ageing lifts, Harley Street experts offer the A-list experience from consultation through to aftercare.

But that's not all. Harley Street Skin are also pioneering skincare specialists, offering solutions to everything from anti-ageing and resurfacing, to colour correction and hydration.

Carefully formulating the perfect regime for even the most stubborn and unusual of skin complaints, Harley Street Skin boast an acclaimed skin care range frequently making an appearance in beauty mag must-haves, health and lifestyle columns, and celebrity handbags around the world.

With highly skilled practitioners, doctors and surgeons on hand at every turn, Harley Street Skin can help you attain the aesthetic you've been dreaming of - whatever your cosmetology needs.

Dr Aamer Khan & Lesley Khan