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Male Breast Reduction In London

With over half a million procedures undertaken, you're in safe hands

Male breast reduction is a procedure borne of the medical complaint known as 'Gynaecomastia', although more commonly referred to as 'man boobs' or 'moobs'. 'Moobs' can form as a result of certain medications, weight gain, hormone imbalance or even smoking and sometimes cannot be remedied through exercise and diet alone. Harley Street Skin Clinic offer those suffering with unwanted breast tissue the option of having a highly discreet reduction, using the latest in cutting edge cosmetic treatment: BodyTite™.

Lesley Says

“This is a failsafe fix to a lifelong insecurity. After surgery, patients will only have to wear a compression garment for 2 weeks before enjoying their results forever.”

Dr Khan Says

“Our patients love that Gynaecomastia removes the fat causing the problem, and creates more firm, sculpted pectorals through boosted collagen production - it’s a total transformation.”

Male Breast Reduction Before & Afters

The remarkable difference a Harley Street Skin Clinic treatment can provide

In essence, BodyTite™ is a form of radio frequency assisted liposuction. It involves melting down the fat into liquid form and removing it via cannula - a method far less traumatic to the body than traditional fat removal. This means that post-procedure pain, discomfort and swelling are practically null, and results are not only precise but virtually scar-free.

This method also has the added benefit of stimulating collagen production at the same time. This means that it doesn't just remove the fat - it helps to contour and tighten the skin on the chest at the same time, for a much neater finish.

Gynaecomastia After
Gynaecomastia Before

BodyTite™ is the most advanced fat removal and skin tightening procedure on the cosmetic circuit right now. Otherwise known as Laser Lipo, BodyTite™ uses radiofrequency to effectively treat stubborn fat in areas such as the stomach, thighs, buttocks, arms, hips, neck and knees.

Gynaecomastia After
Gynaecomastia Before

When applied to the chest, BodyTite™ makes light work of removing breast tissue beneath the surface, and leaving the area taut, firm and natural in appearance. Not only that, but BodyTite™ procedures require very little surgical downtime, so enable patients to be back on their feet in no time.

Gynaecomastia After
Gynaecomastia Before

Offering incredible results with minimal recovery time, no need to worry about lengthy hospital stays or even general anaesthesia. Making use of state of the art cosmetic fat removal, Male Breast Reductions make only cannula-sized incisions that heal beautifully, and leave next to no scarring.

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Follow two of our celebrity patients on their journey to becoming their better selves

Every step of your journey with Harley Street Skin is handled with the utmost care and diligence. From your very first consultation, right the way through to follow up and aftercare, Harley Street Skin will guide, advise and support you at every given opportunity. We want to make sure that your time with us is as special to you, as you are to us...

Male Breast Reduction FAQs

The answer to some of the most common questions you may have

It's only natural to have questions if you are considering pursuing a treatment for the first time, and at Harley Street Skin, it's important to us that you feel confident and comfortable at every stage of your journey. To help you find the answers you need, here are a few of the more common quibbles that we find our clients frequently ask...

Male Breast Reductions at Harley Street Skin typically involve a technology known as Bodytite™, which is a similar, yet less invasive method of liposuction assisted by radiofrequency.

Bodytite™ technology delicately melts down excess fat cells using radio frequency heat. These cells are known as adipocytes This process turns the adipocytes to liquid form and therefore they can be easily drained from the body using only a small cannula.

Some special cases may call for a more traditional approach to breast tissue reduction - i.e. larger incisions made along the bottom of the pectoral - but doctors will be sure to discuss all of your options with you at your initial consultation.

Patients find that reductions do wonders for their self-esteem and body confidence. Excess breast tissue can leave many men feeling self-conscious and often, quite emasculated. Self-consciousness as such may hinder holidays or make purchasing clothes more difficult - it may even mean you no longer feel confident enough to enjoy sports such as swimming or running. The burden of an ample chest can be a big source of embarrassment, some finding they would rather sit out and watch life pass them by entirely.

Reductions will eliminate all of these concerns, and leave behind a chest that is far flatter and firmer. Reductions using BodyTite™ will also do so without the need for drastic, painful surgery - or even general anaesthetic.


A Male Breast Reduction will offer lifelong results. It is a one-off, permanent procedure that will rid the patient of their breast tissue troubles entirely. However, as with many weight loss and fat reduction procedures, effects may be impacted by lifestyle choices moving forward and this will only be the case if you continue to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. BodyTite™ should not be regarded as a method for preventing future weight gain.

Reductions using BodyTite™ typically take around 60-90 minutes to complete. This is a far cry from the standard 4-6 hours that traditional breast reductions can call for, as breast tissue can be liquefied and removed via a small, cannula sized incision. There is no obtrusive scarring or stitching to content with. The entire BodyTite™ timeline - from treatment to full recovery - takes just a fraction of the time of other procedures of it's kind.

BodyTite™ will likely result in some significant swelling, which will gradually ease, although can take up to 3 months to clear entirely. This is when you will be able to see the full results of your reduction. You should also wear your compression garment solidly for the first 2 weeks after treatment in order to minimise this swelling.

Aside from that, patients may experience sensitivity, bruising, soreness and potentially some lingering numbness from the topical anaesthesia, but this should all wear off over the course of weeks 1 and 2. It is not uncommon for patients to continue to take pain medication to keep this under control until then.

With BodyTite™ Breast Reduction, downtime is minimal. Unlike liposuction or traditional breast reduction, BodyTite™ incisions are small and therefore heal extremely quickly with very low risk of infection. You will be required to wear your compression garment for 2 weeks following treatment, although you should be able to resume normal activities from as soon as day 2 or 3.

We would however recommend that you hold back on heavy exercise for a week or two, and contact sports - as a precaution - for as long as 4-6.

Patients generally choose to take 2-3 days of rest before returning to work after a BodyTite™ reduction. By this point, you should be feeling more than ready to resume normal duties - unless the nature of your job means you are putting particular strain on your chest. If this is the case, doctors will be happy to advise you accordingly and discuss your return to work at your consultation.

About The Harley Street Skin Clinic

The award winning clinic dedicated to helping you be your best self

We understand that deciding to go forward with cosmetic treatment can feel like a huge decision. One that we certainly wouldn't expect you to go ahead with without hearing a little bit about us first. Here is exactly why people around the world are happy to put their trust into Harley Street Skin Clinic.

The Harley Street Skin Clinic
Quality & Safety is our Culture

Since 2004, Harley Street Skin has been on speed dial to some of the world's highest flyers thanks to the expertise of cosmetic tour de force, Dr. Aamer Khan and wife Lesley Reynolds.

With their flagship clinic based on the world’s most famous medical strip, Harley Street Skin quickly became a medical and cosmetic frontrunner, drumming up a pristine professional reputation and impressive roster of celebrity clientele. The clinic was in fact so thriving that it gained the attention of television network SkyOne, becoming the focus of hit documentary series Stitch Me, Lift Me, Tuck Me.

Offering an expansive range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments, Harley Street Skin are renowned worldwide for their cosmetic precision, expertise and minimally invasive techniques. From top of the line body sculpting treatments and cosmetic contouring to breast enhancement and discreet anti-ageing lifts, Harley Street experts offer the A-list experience from consultation through to aftercare.

But that's not all. Harley Street Skin are also pioneering skincare specialists, offering solutions to everything from anti-ageing and resurfacing, to colour correction and hydration.

Carefully formulating the perfect regime for even the most stubborn and unusual of skin complaints, Harley Street Skin boast an acclaimed skin care range frequently making an appearance in beauty mag must-haves, health and lifestyle columns, and celebrity handbags around the world.

With highly skilled practitioners, doctors and surgeons on hand at every turn, Harley Street Skin can help you attain the aesthetic you've been dreaming of - whatever your cosmetology needs.

Dr Aamer Khan & Lesley Khan